Caring for Your Teeth

Dentist demonstrating brushing techniques at our Toronto clinic

Dental sealants

A dental sealant is a thin, plastic material designed to create a physical barrier between your teeth and cavity-causing bacteria. It is an excellent measure to take in caring for teeth and helps prevent. 

Sealants are most often applied to the teeth at the back of the mouth. These back teeth contain grooves, pits, and fissures, making them more susceptible to bacteria and decay.

Sealants are applied to permanent teeth without cavities. This makes teeth easier to clean, as sealants leave the tooth’s surface more uniform in texture. 

NOTE: we only recommend sealants on baby teeth for those individuals who are extremely cavity-prone.

How are sealants applied?

Before applying the sealant, your dentist will clean and dry your teeth. A solution is then applied to help the sealant thoroughly bond to the tooth. After the sealant application, the dentist rinses and dries your teeth.

More than brushing

When our professionals clean your teeth, it’s more than just a polish. We take great care to remove any plaque on teeth and tartar buildup (hard deposits below the gum line). It’s this buildup that leads to gum disease – the #1 cause of tooth loss in adults.

Dental plaque lives in your mouth. It is bacteria – a living, breathing organism. Left unchecked, plaque can do significant damage to your teeth and gums. It’s why your gums may bleed when you floss only intermittently.

Plaque is also hard to see. When we clean your teeth, we remove any buildup that you may miss or can’t see. Need help? Our friendly, experienced hygienists are happy to show you how to brush and floss correctly for optimum oral health!


Consider this your coat of armour! Our teeth cleanings include a fluoride varnish to protect and harden the teeth’s enamel. Fluoride for teeth helps enhance the enamel’s resistance to harmful bacteria and acids that contribute to decay and tooth sensitivity.

Our fluoride treatment is quick and painless – one of the easiest procedures we offer!

Protecting your tooth enamel at home:

It’s important to brush and rinse your teeth after every meal. Cleaning your teeth is particularly important after eating or drinking highly acidic foods and beverages such as cola, coffee, candy, or even pickles!

Yes, our water and some foods are supplemented with fluoride. But, it’s often not enough to properly protect teeth from decay. Choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride to help maintain clean, strong, and healthy teeth between your visits to the dentist.


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